Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Days of The Week That Start With T: TODAY & TOMORROW

I've been thinking too much lately. Too much about TODAY. Too much about TOMORROW. So much that I haven't even been able to keep up with my own thoughts, let alone put them out there for someone else to try and run along side. Needless to say, this blog has taken the back seat on this ride called life and honestly I haven't even had time to check the rearview mirror. I don't really have time to check it tonight, but it's about time that I at least bring myself up to speed.

The past two and half months have been the busiest two and half months of my life. So busy that I cannot tell you where the hours have gone. However, I can tell you that I successfully finished my sophomore year of Dental school, ran the Kentucky Derby Mini Marathon, took an unexpected trip to Wyoming, endured Endodontics root camp, started doing the 60 day Insanity workout, and somehow survived local anesthesia where we learned to give injections using one another as pin cushions.  Unfortunately, my time restraints are going to dictate the content of this post, so I'm going to do my best to break each of these down in a minimal fashion.

Finishing Sophomore year of dental school was enough of a challenge in itself, that I'm not even comfortable attempting to condense it for fear of depreciating it.

The mini-Marathon was an overall success and I finished in under 2 hours, which was well ahead of my original goal.

I found out on a Monday that my best friend, my person, was facing a possible breast cancer diagnosis. I  bought a plane ticket on Wednesday, and flew out to Salt Lake City the following Friday. Luckily,  "summer break" fell during that week and I was able to be there for the actual diagnosis. God has been answering our prayers thus far and for that I am humbly grateful.

Root Camp = Boot Camp. Enough Said!

Insanity might just be the best workout program ever designed for me. I'm only a few days into it, but I've already established a love/hate relationship with it, which we all know means that I'm addicted and that I won't stop until I've kicked its ass.

Thank God local anesthesia is over! Although my partners were amazing and nothing was too physically painful, I still have to admit that I didn't feel as much like a pin cushion as I did like a crash test dummy. As if I were getting into the car over and over again even though I already knew it was going to crash.

With all the pressure this pressure pot has been building up for the past 6 months, you would think I would be ready to explode by now.  Instead, I am finally starting to feel the pressure valves backing off. Yes, I know I still have to pass boards. Yes, I know I start clinic in just 4 short weeks. Yes, I have a bachelorette party to plan, Father's day to celebrate, a filling that needs replaced, and a Warrior Dash to complete. But I also know that my best friend in the world is starting chemotherapy tomorrow and she is not complaining one bit. I am also fully aware that TODAY was a productive day and that TOMORROW will lead me one step closer to celebrating my sweet sweaty success.


  1. Loved this post.. It really put alot of things in perspective for me.. I too have been a bit whiny and ungrateful these past few days

  2. We all definitely let life get to us sometimes. I read a quote this morning that I really enjoyed, "One of our best actions, with courage, is to relax." I spent the last week in Utah, with my friend who is battling breast cancer. Her attitude and strength is an overwhelming thing to experience. Even my hardest days seem incomparable to hers right now. On the other hand, we all have our own problems and it's not always fair to downgrade them in relation to other peoples. In response to my own statement, I'm finding that things turn out the best when I make the best of the way things turn out. Thanks for the comment and have a fabulous day!
